Over the past few months, the weather had us all confused here in Vancouver. For, up until recently, it has been surprisingly mild. No white christmas in 2011, and no need for tuques or mittens until a few weeks ago. Then, finally, two days ago winter actually started…
“What is all this white stuff?!”
Jaz was ecstatic to discover this mysterious white blanket that had spread itself out over our yard!
Running around like a madman (or should I say madwoman?) …
… multi-tasking puppy: playing with sticks AND snow AND finally getting to that itch on her bum …
“What are you looking at? Go get your own!”
I’m hoping to get some more action shots soon, since Jaz has made a new neighbourhood friend: Carl. Carl is a Welsh puppy that is a few weeks younger than Jaz. They met at the local pet store and bumped into each other again in the park yesterday. Hopefully they’ll get to chase each other around soon and we’ll be witnessing some serious terrier-on-terrier action!
Wat een prachtige foto’s! En je weet: ik weet hoe blij een hondje kan zijn met de ontdekking van sneeuw! Zo zie je maar weer: het maakt geen verschil of het een Kerry is of een Lakeland! Beiden gaan ze helemaal uit hun dak bij de eerste echte sneeuw! Geniet ervan samen met de hond!
Doen we! (alhoewel de sneeuw gisteravond weg geregend is… maar wie weet komt er meer)
Hi there I commented on your blog when you first got Jaz and I have been keeping an eye her progress. We got our Lakie a couple of weeks after you so your girl is leading the way. Just love the snow picture, especially the one with the snow beard and ‘tache – beautiful! We just have wet weather so lots of muddy paws to be dealt with…. always a joy. Jack, our baby boy, is having some great terrier on terrier action with our older Lakie, Lottie, altho they do get a bit out of hand at times! Keep up the blog, its great to see what’s coming next for us!
So good too hear from you and to read that Jack is doing well! I bet he has lots of fun running around with his sis. When I visit our breeder, Jaz gets to run around with her father and half-sister… such a joy, makes me wish we had two! Do you groom them yourself?
Two is definately more than double the trouble, but also double the love!
I don’t groom them myself, I read your post on the hand stripping and thought about it. Think Jack would let me, but Lottie is a rescue and a bit temperamental even with a brush so think it would be a step tooooo far. We take them to a local groomer and have them clipped which seems to be the way over here for dogs that aren’t going to be shown. We recently had Jack trimmed in the adult form from his puppy fluffy cut…. felt quite sad as my ‘baby’ had gone but he does look very handsome! Will try and load some pics on to Picassa and share with you if you’d like.
Btw, we have lost our first tooth! See we are following Jaz’s steps just a few posts behind.
Don’t know if this link will work…..
Clippering is the way to go over here too, if the dog isn’t shown. They do loose a bit of colour because the undercoat is much lighter, but I see that your Lakies have plenty pigmentation! I just loved the pictures! Thank you so much for sharing; the picture in which they’re sleeping together is precious! Jack looks very handsome indeed. An adorable twosome!!!
Please do keep in touch.