5 more nights…

Jaz is coming home with us this Thursday. I cannot believe that she’s almost 8 weeks old and will be rummaging around our living room in less than a week… it’s exciting and scary at the same time! Definitely more exciting than scary, though… check out the pictures we took last Wednesday:

“What are you playing with, mommy?”

“Tug of war! I’m going to win this time, just watch!”

[quicktime]https://blog.lakielove.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/MVI_4706.m4v[/quicktime]Good job, Jaz! Your mommy is still a little stronger, though…

“Wait… there’s more!”

“I’ve been trying to destroy this toy for four weeks now… it sure is hardy!”

*Cuddle time*

Picture perfect pooch

Hi guys! Here’s a sight for sore eyes… Jaz, exactly 6 weeks old:

When we visited last Tuesday, London was teaching Jaz how to play her favourite game; tug of war:

[quicktime width=”400″ height=”300″]https://blog.lakielove.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/MVI_46801.mov[/quicktime]

Needless to say, Jaz caught on pretty quickly… here’s how we spent most of our visit:


She’s getting bigger and stronger by the minute!

Saturday special: London

Jaz’s mom London is quite the character. When we visited the both of them last week, we brought some snacks. Instead of devouring them (which is what you would expect from a dog, isn’t it?), London took her time. She showed the treats around the house, posed for some pictures with them… She’s a strange, strange dog. I guess any dog with the nickname “Kitten” is bound to be a little silly. Here, see for yourself:

“Look at this yummy milk-bone!”

“It’s all mine… I can eat it whenever I wish.”

“Na-na-na-na-naaa-nah! Still not eating it. Snuggling comes first.”

“In fact, maybe I’ll take a little nap before I eat it…”