Then & now: four weeks and three days

I hope I’m not boring you yet with all the pictures, but I simply couldn’t resist… Remember this little teddy bear? It feels like it was only yesterday!

Then: September 16, 2011, four weeks and three days old. Now: September 16, 2012, 1 year later, too big (in size AND attitude) to sit on daddy’s lap!

Over the next few months, I will sporadically be posting these kinds of “then & now” pictures. I hope you enjoy them – we sure had fun (re)creating them!

As for my next post, it will be more substantial, I promise! 😉
Also, stay tuned for installment four of the grooming series (furnishings). It’ll be up by the end of the month!

Then & now: four weeks

It was exactly a year ago today, that we first met Jaz. (Take a trip down memory lane!) Only four weeks old and without any teeth, she tried to bite my fingers in protest when I rubbed her bum. Although she has plenty of teeth now, she’ll merely go all wiggly when I try to do the same…
I cannot believe it’s been over a year. Oh, how this little rascal has changed our lives!

anniversary_2-blogThen: September 13, 2011, four weeks old. Now: September 13, 2012, 1 year later, many inches taller!

Happy 1st birthday, Jaz!

1 year old! Happy Birthday, Jaz!
Jaz has grown quite a bit! Then: August 16, 2011, only a few minutes old. Now: August 16, 2012, one year old.

It’s hard to believe, but a whole year has passed for our little pup. In fact, a little over a year ago, we weren’t even planning on getting a dog! But we happened to vacation close to the British Lake District that year, where one thing lead to another and before we knew it, the puppy count-down had started. 365 Days ago, Jaz was born, ready to get herself into all sorts of trouble we had no clue about!

Over the past year, Jaz has been doing a lot of barking and growling, a lot of snoozing, a lot of playing and has made a ton of new friends (see here, here and here). But it wasn’t all sunshine and roses, because she also got her ears glued, lost a few teeth, got (and still gets) her hairs pulled and came into season for the first time. Luckily, life eased the pain with a lot of great experiences such as playing in the snow for the first time, venturing out on the water, taking handling and obedience classes as well as allowing her to show herself off after all the hard work.

It has been a wonderful year, may there be many more! We love you!

Roughing it up terrier-style!

The exchange of a very meaningful look...Jaz: “C’mon Carl, gimme that ball!”
Carl: “I don’t think so, missy…”

A few months ago, Jaz met this Welsh terrier puppy named Carl. You may remember me briefly mentioning him here. Well, Carl and Jaz finally met up for some playtime last week. Carl is about a month younger than Jaz, and they make the most hilarious couple. We dropped both of them in the yard with some toys, and they roughed it up terrier-style! The victim of the day was a colourful catfish squeaky…

Jaz and her new buddy Carl, best friends forever! Look at those cute faces!

Together, they would go round and round:

Going round and round and round together...
Carl still manages to find time to look at the camera. Nice multitasking, buddy!

Come and get it, Carl!
Jaz takes the lead…

Tug-of-war... it's on!
…but Carl is a little stronger when it comes to tug-of-war, Jaz’ favourite game!

Tired terrier bums!
Carl: “Boy, all this running around is tiring!

Taking a little breather under the rhodos
Taking a breather under the rhodos…

See you next time Carl, thanks for playing!
Thanks for playing, Carl! See you next time!

(Wo)man’s best friend – an ode to dogs

Jaz & mom closeup
Puppy love: Jaz & myself just after grooming (which is why her hair looks awesome and mine not so much, LOL!)

A dog is so much more than just another pet. If you own a dog, there’s always someone to greet you the moment you walk through the door, someone that makes you get off the couch to catch some fresh air, and someone to share your stories or split your dinner with. A dog is the friend you take for a walk on the beach (even when it’s raining – because you promised!), the family member you snuggle up with on the couch (and who never complains during endless Sunday afternoon re-runs of ‘Sex and the City’) and a partner-in-crime when it comes to finishing that extra piece of pizza you could do without (but you’ll walk it off together, right?! :P). With its endless zest for life, a dog can magically cheer you up with something as simple as a wag of the tail.

Jaz & dad
Best buds: Jaz & dad enjoying refreshments on the beach at less than ideal temperatures… gotta love Vancouver 😡

Don’t get me wrong, I love my cats as well. But where my cats cry of abuse and scream of murder when I take them anywhere outside the house, Jaz is always ready to roll: anywhere, anytime, with anyone (well… except for toddlers, but we can’t blame her for that now, can we?!). And while my cats stick their noses up at new food offerings, putting them through an FAA-grade inspection before accepting them, Jaz will gobble whatever you have up in a split second – fingers included if you don’t watch out! Dogs have masters, cats have staff. Cliché, but oh so true.

Jaz & grandpa
Ready for anything: Jaz & grandpa on the prowl

But perhaps the best thing about a dog is that a dog knows it is part of your inner-circle. Jaz may not always listen and be compliant (after all… Lakies are known for their selective hearing ;)), but she knows exactly what is expected of her and she has a thorough understanding of our unique bond. She knows when and how to pull a cute face so she gets that extra treat. She knows when you’re sad, and will offer to join you on the couch. She knows when you’ve had enough and she should really listen, or else…!
It’s this interaction and the silent agreement that we have, that makes (to me, at least) owning a dog so special.

Jaz & grandma
Perfect posers: Jaz & grandma. You can tell that Jaz knows it’s picture time...
“Gramps! Did you get the shot?!”